Why, hello!

endless love

I’m Kat; a working writer/editor/author/business owner with one child, one partner, a 10-year-old doggo (Hugh Boy) not enough hours in the day, and I miss sleep. I’ve been writing professionally for over 20 years (here are some of my very early published bits if you fancy a laugh) and, in general, since infancy. I have an Arts degree in English Literature and Philosophy, and own a writing services company, Little Words Limited which takes up most of my time but I love it, as well as the people I work with.

I have written two books (and started approximately a couple thousand others) and I am trying to get signed after years of dreaming about it (and sending off ridiculous submissions to agents before finally getting the hang of it), I (finally) have a literary agent and am, what we call, a signed author (somebody pinch me). (Click here to read more of my writing journey, updated every year since I started this blog/site in 2012.)

As if being a working parent is not enough, I am also (lest I be alone with my thoughts for more than a second) working on several other projects, including a Master’s degree at Kingston University, a series of children’s books and, perpetually, the next novel. I consider myself a woman writer for women writers. I love fellow writers and wish we could hang out all day talking everything writing and drinking Absinthe like the Lost Generation, or the French Existentialists. Being a mother and writing are the two things I’m most proud of in this world, and I want to continue to do both, forever and ever, amen.

Random pieces of information about me that you may (or totally may not… most likely not) find interesting: I split my time between the UK (where I grew up since toddlerhood) and Greece (my birthplace) for most of my 20s and 30s (I’m now in the 40s). I am viewed as a Greek in the UK, and a Brit in Greece (go figure). I’m not a big fan of Greek food (I’ve been force-fed it my whole life; give me a tuna melt panini any day). I have a love/hate relationship with travel; I love being at the new destination but detest the journey part. My Kindle goes everywhere with me. I have Blinkist because one lifetime is not enough for all the books I MUST read. I’ve lost count of the number of tattoos I have. Mental health struggles? You betcha! (Since I was six, thank you very much.) Oh, and if I don’t wear socks, my hands sweat.

Perpetual resting WTF face since childhood

I hope you have been at least mildly entertained by my ramblings. Please feel free to reach out for anything and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can (disclaimer: I only talk to nice people).

Kat x

16 thoughts on “About

      1. dmdoylebooks says:

        No, thank you! You’re the first person (I don’t know) to tell me they thought my writing was funny.
        P.S. yours is funny too. I hope you finish your book and get published.

  1. Lae_M says:

    Thanks for visiting LaeLand and subscribing to the blog. Please, come back soon.

    PS I tried to write on the contact window, but it kept on kicking me out. You might want to sort that out.

    All the best and happy writing.

  2. jaysquires says:

    Love your style and your energy. I read your other blog “Mind Your Language” and enjoyed the refreshing flow of your USE of same. I’m sure I’ll enjoy tagging along and dipping into your posts from time to time.

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